Update - August 22, 2012

Posted by Patti DiSanto on 8/22/2012

The 2012 (Second and Final) Bruce Haney Charitable Golf Outing was a success and more...
A HUGE, HEARTFELT THANK YOU to all volunteers, participants, attendees and sponsors for a truly incredible and amazing day!  The Golf Outing was a huge success and thankfully the weather held out for everyone.  We are grateful for all of the many volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the golf outing and who provided an enjoyable experience for all who attended.
We are also pleased to provide an update regarding the Raizman-Haney Endowed Fund:  With the completion of the second and final Bruce Haney Charitable Golf Outing, the endowed chair at the University of Pittsburgh is now fully funded!  (More information on the Raizman-Haney Endowed Fund.)
Bruce continues to fight the good fight and although he recently received news that there was a small lesion (less than 1 cm.) on his liver, he courageously and pragmatically addresses the issues as they arise.  The current plan is to oblate this small lesion (targeted radiation) and continue on with the plan of chemotherapy and good nutrition.  Today Bruce has undergone a PET scan and we hope to provide you with additional news shortly.  We are cautiously optimistic as his blood work over the past few months has shown that his CA199 tumor marker is within low normal range.  We are hoping that the PET scan will also reflect the same apparent lack of "activity."
Stay tuned and keep sending your good thoughts and prayers - they are much appreciated!!!